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Informtest presents a new CH-14 PXIe-PC chassis

Informtest  presents a new chassis CH-14 PXIe-PC with an embedded PC, which allows creating high-performance multifunctional systems for collecting and processing large flows of information, as well as systems for monitoring and adjusting electronic equipment.

Key features of the new chassis:

  • The built-in high-performance PC has everything you need to control the entire system.
  • PCIe Gen3 support, DownLink ports (8 PCIe lanes) for connecting external equipment (PXI chassis, AXIe chassis) via PCIe x8 cable interface
  • Built-in PXI chassis system module
  • The presence of a built-in matrix switcher of trigger events with the ability to relay signals of trigger events to / from external equipment. Management, registration, formation of trigger events
  • Selectable frequency reference source (internal / external) to ensure synchronous operation of peripheral modules in different chassis
  • Ensures only PXIe peripheral modules function (no hybrid or PXI-1 slots)
  • "Transparency" for PXIe drivers of peripheral modules (additional software is not required for operation, the modules are displayed in the PC Device Manager)
  • Availability of a Web interface for configuring the system, viewing the status of PXI modules

More detailed information can be found here.